Week 13: EOTC Part One

Image result for citizen journalismCitizen Journalism allows the audience to help the reporters give out information first hand, and quick. This also can help give out the truth if someone is trying to report only one side of the story. Since they are not professional journalist, bias can be involved, including inaccurate information or ineffective ways to tell the story unlike professionals.

Society can be affected because now we have access to see things that we possibly wouldn't see if the spectator wasn't there and reported what they experienced online.
There can be a certain bias that is portrayed, especially when it is male against female or majority against minority. Maybe we aren't getting the full side of the story. We have to make sure that we are seeing everything that happened to make a proper conclusion.

Sometimes people might use a certain part of the story just to benefit and make themselves look good. This can cause a problem because we are not getting all the information that we need, just debunking the idea of citizen journalism. 

We might g out into the world, sharing our thoughts and options about something we think we known based on content viewed, but it could be possible that we don't know the whole story and just end up looking one sided. 
