Week 10 : Eight Values

By Genesis Reynoso

The sixth value, promote tolerance, is important because it helps society notice decide what is considered “acceptable” to say, and what is considered “unacceptable”. While some things that are said might be harmful, it is important to ask why this person is expressing themselves in the way that they are. This is a way for us to learn from each other, and understand where the root of particular beliefs and ideas come from.

This is inspiring because it is a way to really see how the world works. It isn’t always butterflies and rainbows, meaning there are people who are going to have different opinions that we might not understand, but based on lifestyle, and certain beliefs, we can have a better understanding. 

People in this society don’t know how to have a conversation about topics or ideas that they don’t agree about. Usually conversations end up in a screaming match or heated argument, and one person ends up tuning out the other. 

It is so important to listen to each other, and this value demonstrates the importance of understanding of freedom of speech. This is the way we learn, and are able to pick up and understand why people are the way the are, and why they believe the things that they do. 
