Week 12: Audit Your Online Source

By Genesis Reynoso

While I don't have a personal website, I do have a majority of the well known social media applications. Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter get used the most, while Pinterest, Wattpad, WhatsApp, VSCO, and Facebook are apps I have on my phone and devices as well. 

Related imageI have posted or have at least one image of myself on all these social media apps, but I use them for different things. Videos have been share on all of them except for Pinterest and Wattpad. These apps have my email, and some even my phone number.

If a visitor looked on my social media, they would know the school that I attend, and the state that I live in. They would be able to know when my birthday is, and see my age, as well as relationships that I have, relatives, and any other hobbies that I've participated in.

The reason I have given out my email or phone number is because most of these apps in this generation, require it. This is how they contact you incase you want to change your password, or they want to let you know anything in particular. When I do online shopping, which is not often, the website requires my address to be able to send my order. 

If not used wisely, social media can make people feel as if they don’t have any real friends. People can tend to make comparisons to their lives with others, and often feel like their life isn’t as “fun” as others on social media cites.

 People can also use social media to bully or harass others, causing depression, isolation, and in worse cases sucide. There have also been cases where people have been murdered because they decide to meet with people the match or connect with on dating apps. 
