Houston Cheating Scandal

By Genesis Reynoso 

The year was 2017, when the Houston Astros took home their first ever World Series Championship. A day that used to be remembered as a win for the underdogs, has now been turned into their worst nightmare. 

Former Astros pitcher, Mike Pierse came forward, alleging that the team cheated their way to the Word Series that year. During home games, that team had a camera set up in center field, which had a clear enough image of what was happening at home plate. The feed was sent to the Astors dugout, where team personnel would watch the footage, then hit a nearby trashcan with a bat to let the hitter know which pitch was coming his way. 

If it was a change up, two loud bangs would be heard from the home team's dugout. If it was a fast ball, no bang. 

The during Game 1 of the postseason this year, the Yankees claimed that they heard whistling coming from the dugout as their way of stealing signs. 

It is important to note that stealing signs is not considered a crime in baseball, but the way the teams decide to go about it, can lead to legal consequences. 

The MLB has opened an investigation in regards to the allegations, and hope to get the incident resolved before the next season. 
