Is Climate Change A Hoax?

The topic of climate change has been engraved into our brains since we were in elementary school, with scientist warning everyone that if humans do not change habits that are harming the planet, a mass extinction is to occur sooner than we know it.

As the years go by, it feels like things are getting worse and worse, yet for some, the idea of climate change and global warming is nothing but a myth. 

Sixteen-year old Swedish activist, Greta Thunberg delivered a speech before the United Nations, pleading leaders to take global climate change seriously inset of focusing on money. 

There have been many politicians who have criticized Thunberg and her speech, and amongst whose is Laura Inghram. 

On her edition of Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle, she went on to say claimed that Thunberg’s speech was chilling, also adding that if we don’t go along with it, then we will be punished by our own children. 

She went on to make comments about how this is political, and the left is attempting to make a connection with the youth, and use them to manipulate people. People are more upset over the comment that Ingraham made, comparing the sixteen-year-old, to the 1984 movie Children of the Corn, where children murder residents of a town in Nebraska. 

Ingrahams brother made it clear that he did not agree with his sisters comments, by posting a clear tweet after the video surfaced the internet. 

Image result for curtis ingraham tweet

Curtis Ingraham Twitter 

There is one thing that I know for sure—climate change is real. The proof is evident just by paying attention to the weather. The animal kingdom is being torn to shreds, patricianly involving humans that hunt he animals, pollute their home, or completely take over it. 

The fact that a sixteen year old is doing more than a majority of the populations says a lot. She clearly wants people to care about the environment, since it’s not only her home, but our home as well. 

The ice caps are melting at a rapid rate, the earth is heating up, and we are past due for a yellow stone eruption. All of these effects have a great affect on our weather patterns, and raise the changes of natural disasters, which do nothing but destroy and kill. 

Turning all of this as a political debate is something that I just can’t seem to wrap my mind around. It doesn’t matter whether you are conservative or liberal. If we want to do something about climate change, your political party is not important. 

This has to do with how humans plan on taking care of our earth, and trying to reverse the damage that humans have caused to it. 
